I'm a Mom

I know how to do everything--I'm a Mom.

Monday, April 5, 2010

People Think Fat

Okay, do you want to know what annoys me the most? People who are obsessed with their weight. It doesn't matter if they are skinny, chubby, or big-most people are not satisfied with their bodies. Almost EVERYDAY I see on facebook certain people obsessing over their weight. You want to know something that's funny? Most of the people I see whining about their weight is people who are thinner than me before pregnancy. Yes! That is small. I don't understand why people worry about a little bit of meat on their bones-people who think they have to exercise constantly to feel happy about their weight, or people with eating disorders. WHO CARES. I understand people who are obese or pretty chubby need/want lose weight, but when you are small-why worry about it?

I actually feel bad for bigger people who try to lose and can't. I feel bad for them being big period. I really feel bad for them when they see or hear people talk about how they need to lose weight and how they are "fat..." How do you think that makes the larger person feels? If it makes me feel bad thinking about it, I know it hurts them. I have never understood this and I guess I never will, but people need to think about others and how they would feel. If you are desperate to lose weight, keep it to yourself, so the larger person doesn't hurt inside. People need to enjoy what they eat and not flip out about getting FAT over a piece of candy or a meal-Point blank.


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