I'm a Mom

I know how to do everything--I'm a Mom.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Hubby Monday

Hello again every one, its that time again and I'm not working... Imagine that. I'm actually listing to "Red Solo Cup" by Toby Keith which cracks me up. I'm also watching Megan do a mini mini session with Sawyer. He is such a cute and chunky little butterball!
I had drill this weekend which is always an interesting, yet awesome experience. Im not yet in my drill unit doing what I will be doing, but im learning a lot. Serving in the National Guard is an amazing learning experience and a true honor. If any one feels like it may peak their interest, email us. (Sorry cheap free recruiting plug!)
We have been looking at PA schools to attempt to get into once I get finished with BCT. We are really looking forward to getting away for a few years, experiencing something new, and meeting new people. We don't really have very many friends we hang out with a good bit. We miss the interaction with other couples, especially those with kids. I believe we are both ready to go out and try and do new things. I have mentioned to Meg a few times about going active duty. It would be a new and different change to live on base and be surrounded by families that are in the exact same position as we are. Megan would be able to get together with other wives and moms instead of hanging around the house when I'm at work. It would be good for her to have some more interaction with other moms, and for the boys to play with other kids. All things to be considered while making plans for out future.  
On to a funny story to end with. We were all downstairs and I was getting ready to run to the store to grab some bread for supper. I gave Meg a kiss, Sawyer a kiss, and apparently Bentley thought he was going with me and needed to say bye as well. He walked in the living room and clear as day said "Bye Jesus" like Jesus was chillin here with us. Do I think it was just him babbling? Not a chance! Bentley hears about Jesus when we are at church or when we tell him about Jesus' love, and how much he loves everyone.  It was the funniest thing I think I have heard Bentley say. Kind of one of those had to be there moments. He walked in, kissed his mama, his brother, said bye to Jesus, then headed straight for the front door. As I look at the clock on the bottom of my screen, I realize its much later than I cared to be awake. Y'all have a good night and remember; if ya drink, don't drive, if ya drive don't drink, always take a buddy with ya swimming, and always wear protection... when shooting guns. :)


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