I'm a Mom

I know how to do everything--I'm a Mom.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Be nice to me or I'll Blog about you...

 Friends seemed short lived in your life the older you get. It use to bother me really bad and it would actually ruin my day because of it. I'm not going to lie, I still get bothered from time to time, but I've learned to let go of the foolishness and move on. I know certain girls who only want to be 'Facebook Friends' because they are too lazy to make the effort to get together, or friends who are your BFF and BAM, over night they quit talking to you. I know I have blogged and blogged about friends and FB, but I honestly do believe that you can't have friends if you are so involved in FB, FB ruins relationships. I have learned, especially from the last friendship, to never trust anyone except God and your spouse. Friends will drop you like flies and talk behind your back, but only you can stand up, and wipe your hands clean. I don't need caddy people like that in my life and nor do I want it around my family.

 Facebook Christians: someone who presents themselves as Christians, and then seconds later put up a comment or status with F this and F that, and some on the most raunchy mouthy words.
    Last night, Hubs and I were on FB late watching people. There was nothing on TV, so we figured we would get a laugh or two out of conversations we saw. Well, we came across this public picture and it was someone we knew saying "I'm a Christian, and throwing out scriptures." Well, first off throwing out scriptures isn't right either. If you read 1 or two verses and skip the chapter and you finger point what it means, you could be wrong. To know what the 1 or 2 vereses mean, you need to read more than just that. So these people were using what Gods says and verses to point out other people wrong doing and they way they live their life and twisting it up with the Bible. These Christians were calling these people who hate the Bible, hate God, and hate life-names. These Christians wanted to keep arguing about  the way these people want to live their life rather than worrying about themselves and praying for these non-Christians. If Christians were so consumed into reaching out to people and spreading Gods word like we are to do, like they are about putting people down, we would be pleasing to God. We would be doing what is right and what we are here on earth to do. We are to Glorify our Father. I'm not perfect and I know I do wrong, but I try my HARDEST to be a testimony. Do you think these Christian's were doing what we are called to do? Were they being a testimony? How do you think these non-Christians thought about "these Christians?"

I promise I am finished with my Rant, I can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel with friends, and FB. I can't believe how we Christians act. I always remind Hubs to be a testimony because there is ALWAYS someone watching how you act. Hope you enjoy your day and I will enjoy mine--of course, I will be spending it with my two little loves. Have a great day!!

-The Random Babbling Mom

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