I'm a Mom

I know how to do everything--I'm a Mom.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Hubby Monday

So this is the first "Hubby Monday" I have written since.... I became a DAD! These last three months have been the most amazing experience of my life. Its been an incredible change, something that I would not give anything in the world to change. 
First, let me stary by saying that I have the most amazing wife anyone could ask for. She is the greatest mother a child could have. Sure maybe I'm a little biased.. but she is. Megan indured 9 months of pregnancy, and in 20 minutes gave birth to our wonderful son Bentley. He wasn't the smallest baby in the hospital by any means. Not only was it only 20 minutes, but it was without so much as a scream, and while watching the CMA awards. 
Megan has gone above and beyond any models of what a mother could be. Our son relies on her more than any other person. She is his provider, until he starts eating real food. Ha Ha. 
I have had people say over and over how life will never be the same. Well... It won't. It only gets better. For those of you who have children, you know the feeling I'm talking about. Its a feeling that one can almost hardly explain, a love that is unbreakable. Most of you know I work EMS and am gone for 24 hours at a time. Not only do I hate being away from Bentley and Megan, one thing I do love is to come home to him. I love when I come home and he is smiling all over his face, he laughs and coo's, and almost cackles. It makes everything else disappear. The innocent smile of my beautiful son, means the world to me. He truly is the greatest son any father could ask for. 
I know you all know my son like your family, considering how much of his life is on facebook and twitter. He's growing so incredibly fast. It almost blows me away. Meg wants him to stay little and cuddly for the rest of his life, but I'm ready for him to get bigger. I cant wait to take him around when he is walking and talking. Oh I have so long to wait for that. I truly have an amazing family. A beautiful son, and the MOST amazingly beautiful wife. 
Other notes, lol. We have moved out of Easley and our living on the farm. We are building so this is going to be a fun time for us. We are in the process of getting our horses back to riding status, getting Bentley used to the mountains, and hopefully getting in some well deserved outdoor time. I really do enjoy being out here. Its much different than the life I am used to, sand, waves, jimmy buffett. Now it's mountains, mosquitoes, and horses. Its a different life, but its a great one.
Things are really going good for us now. Life has fallen into place with Bentley coming in to this world. I thank God for the blessing he has given Megan and me, and I am really stoked to see what our future holds. Thanks for reading, and keep following the life and times of our little family. Night everyone. 


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