I'm a Mom

I know how to do everything--I'm a Mom.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Friday Five Favs.

So Friday Five Favs is something new to the blog and haven't yet done. I am dedicating my Fridays to tell you 5 things that have been a blessing to me this week! Boy, don't I have some to share!

1. I signed up for a few things at Church Sunday to help with Ministry work! I am excited and blessed to be getting more involved in the Church and spending time with my Church Family!

2. Bentley started walking Sunday! He's been taking about 6-8 steps the past month, but Sunday and Monday, he decided to take off! He is still wobbly and falls every 10-15 steps, but he can actually walk (when he wants to) to places he wants to get to!

3. Had my OB apt Monday and baby is healthy! I'm blessed to have two healthy boys! He is head down and "locked in"-just waiting to dilate and efface! He is measuring a week early (Bentley did as well), but knowing the luck I have-he will be late...just like his BIG brother! I keep telling my self that I am more blessed to GAIN weight in this pregnancy than to LOSE weight...yeah, that isn't helping yet, LOL.

4. Took Bentley to the eye doctor yesterday and the Dr is wanting to wait another 3 months to decide on his eye. He is such a stinker though! He kept batting his eyes at the Dr and being to cute for his own good, LOL. I'm glad no quick decisions were made and blessed he isn't getting glasses (yet...)/surgery and letting God be the Dr...His timing is always right.

5. Went to the Podiatrist day before yesterday to get my ingrown toenails cut out. Now if you have ever had an ingrown toenail, you would think your world was crashing down on you! THEY HURT! As you read in my previous blog this week, I was actually looking forward to having them cut out! That consists of 4 shots in your toe and some deep digging to the root to cut them out. 30 minutes later and 2 toes feeling normal again, I feel pretty good-other than them being sore from being tugged on. I posted a picture just to show you how much the ingrown part grows in only 5 months! 

Hope you guys have a wonderful day! I am baking cupcakes for my Diaper Shower tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend and see ya back Monday for 'Hubby Monday' :)


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