I'm a Mom

I know how to do everything--I'm a Mom.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hubby Monday

I GOT A LETTER FROM MY HUBBY!! Oh my goodness! I am one happy Wife and Mama! I've had one heck of a roller coaster ride with Sawyer going to the Hospital, me and the boys being sick, missing my Hubby, yada yada yada. It's only been 2 weeks of my Hubs being gone and it feels like so much longer. I need to stop dwelling on it, but it's so hard. 
 With that said, I not only have 1 letter, but I have 5 :) They are pretty much telling me where he's at which is Ft. Leonardwood, Mo. The Tornadoes that hit in Missouri were 5 miles from him and they had to evacuate which my heart dropped when I read that. I knew the tornadoes were close, but not that stinking close! He is getting fed very well, but not as good as my cooking so he says. Honestly, I think hes just saying that to flatter me ;) LOL! He actually ran into a guy he knows who is a Lt. and of all places it was there! From what I gather, it's way out in the boonies of Missouri--I am the one who usually runs into people at random places. We were on our Honeymoon and I knew someone who was in Jamaica. The letters were very short and like I said, he was practically giving me the address and info on the place, so next Monday (praying I get a letter or two by then), I will tell you all about his thrilling experiance at Basic. That is, if he sends me detailing enough letters. 

 Tonight, I tucked my Sweet Bentley to bed who is pitiful and sick. He's had been begging me to go "nite nite: for 2 hours before his bedtime (he's always begging to go to sleep because he loves his big boy bed) and finally when I laid him down-he cried for me. This is the first time in a very long time that he's actually cried for Mommy at bedtime. Yes, I'm a sucker...I crawled into bed with him and just laid there. That's something he's never let Hubs or I do...lay with him. I am totally against kids sleeping in the bed with parents and we have always made him sleep in his bed, and that's why he likes his own space. I believe the spouses bedroom is for them, it's their time, and their space. You can't let children sleep in between you because it's separting you from your spouse. That causes marital issues. Anyway, back to what I was saying before I got side tracked. I laid in bed with him and just caressed his head and sang "I fly Away" and "ABC's" which is his two favorite songs. It made and still does, make me teary eyed. I miss those days when he was Sawyers age and I could just hold him and sing to him all day long. I miss him not being able to walk because he fully relied on Mommy to take care of him. As I was rubbing my big sweaty fingers through his fine thin hair, he fell asleep with a little smile on his face. I knew I had made him happy, fulfilled his little bit of emptiness, and made him at ease. I know I have been spending a little bit more time with Lil Dude because he's been really bad sick and I think Bentley misses the time that he and I usually do have together. He has hardly ever showed jealously towards Hubs and I, but tonight I think he missed me. It was a stress free feeling and just laying there felt very peaceful with my sweet Bentley. I am very blessed and so happy with everything that my Father God has given me. 
 Right now as I think about my littles and I being sick, Hubs being gone, what seems to be my world falling apart in 2 weeks--I kind of want to laugh. It's me being so selfish. God had this plan for us before we even knew it and He is using this as stepping stones to build our faith in Him and to strengthen our marriage. This is His plan he has for us (Jeremiah 29:11). Everything that's happening, I just need to say, "Thank You Jesus," because He has plans and He will protect. Just like my Mama use to always say, "When you stump your toe, just laugh and say thank Jesus. He has a sense of humor." That has always stuck to me.

Well guys, I'm fixing to take me a nice bath and try to relax. I've had a very eventful 5 days and haven't had a chance to even think.    

...and lil dude is waking up. Ya'll have a good night and hope you enjoyed my Blog! 


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